본문 바로 가기 글로벌네비게이션 바로 가기


1. Tuition Payment

  • (1)After being notified of their acceptance, new students must pay the tuition fee by the payment deadline.
  • (2)To re-register for the next session, students who are currently enrolled in Korean language courses in this program must pay the tuition fee at least one month before the end of the current session.
  • (3)To re-register for the next session, students, who have already been admitted to or registered for Korean language courses previously in the program but subsequently have gone on leaves of absence for one or more sessions, must pay the tuition fee by the payment deadline for the corresponding session. (Students who need the standard letter of admission for visa issuance must contact the KLEC after payment.)
  • (4)Tuition fees for the program is as follows :
  • Section Smart Korean Course
    Tuition (1 Session) KRW 1,600,000

The amount of tuition is subject to change every semester. In case of a tuition increase, students must make additional payment following the previous payments.

  • (5)A course may be cancelled if the class does not reach the minimum number of students.

Students who fail to register by the pre-established tuition fee payment deadline will not be allowed to register for the session. Please strictly follow the tuition fee payment deadline.

2. Tuition Fee Refunds

  • Please visit the LEI Web site(https://lei.snu.ac.kr/klec)to apply for a refund.
    LOGIN → [My page] → [Courses I have taken] → [Course application records] → [REFUND]
  • You must enter your bank account information in order to receive the refund. (The bank account must be under your name.
  • The refund amount varies depending on the time of your request, as informed below.

* 드래그하여 확인하세요.

정규과정 등록금 환불
Before class begins 100% of tuition fee(application fee NOT included)
After class begins
Week 1~4(Day 1~20)
Day 1~7 (87%) Day 8~10(80%) Day 11~20(60%)
2/3 refund of current month’s tuition, and 100% for remaining months 1/2 refund of current month, and 100% for remaining months 100% of remaining months

Week 5~8(Day 21~40)
Day 21~27(47%) Day 28~30(40%) Day 31~40(20%)
2/3 refund of current month’s tuition, and 100% for remaining months 1/2 refund of current month, and 100% for remaining months 100% of remaining months

Week 9~10(Day 41~50)
Day 41~50
No refund
  • Refund amount will be deposited within 20 business days from the time your refund application is received.
  • Under Korean government policies, it is impossible to transfer to another school after admission cancellation.

    After applying for refund or delay, visa(D-4) will be cancelled within 2weeks.

3. Deferrals

  • (1)If you are not able to attend the registered semester, you are permitted once to delay your registration to the following semester, but please note that class of your level could not be open for the next semester. (applications for deferrals must be made by Friday of the first week.)
  • (2)Please visit the LEI homepage (https://lei.snu.ac.kr/klec)to apply for deferrals.
    LOGIN → [My page] → [Courses I have taken] → [Course application records] → [DELAY]
  • (3)Please notify the KLEC office by e-mail after you have made a deferral. (02-880-5488/8570, klp@snu.ac.kr)

4. Deregistration

  • If you do not attend class within the first week of semester, your registration will be automatically cancelled. 80% of the tuition fee will be refunded.