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교재는 학기에 따라 변경될 수 있습니다. 교재는 수강신청 페이지에서 강좌명(예: 1A)을 클릭하면 확인 가능합니다.

Ⅰ. English Conversation Series

As most SNU students have above elementary level of English competence (especially, vocabulary and grammar), LEI FLEC offers classes from pre-intermediate level and provides opportunities to practice their English while reinforcing and enhancing already-learned knowledge. In order to differentiate curriculum and focus on specific skills for intermediate and upper level students while encouraging participation in English immersion classes, the English Conversation Series is introducing a new 5-Level conversation program.

5-Level system Textbook
1 (Pre-intermediate) American English File 1 (Student book) | Oxford University Press
2 (Intermediate) American English File 2 (Student book) | Oxford University Press
3 (Upper-intermediate) American English File 3 (Student book) | Oxford University Press
4 (Advanced 1) American English File 4 (Student book) | Oxford University Press
5 (Advanced 2) American English File 5 (Student book) | Oxford University Press and Teacher's materials; Focus on fluency

Level Description
Level 1 Students placed in English Conversation Series Level 1 are somewhat nervous about speaking English but may be willing to talk about familiar topics, though more complex speech usually causes a breakdown in coherence. They have basic knowledge of rhythm, stress and intonation but may still be suffering from other pronunciation problems. They have enough vocabulary to talk easily about familiar topics and a bit about unfamiliar topics. They can produce basic sentences fairly accurately and attempt some complex grammatical structures, though errors may predominate.
Level 2 Students placed in English Conversation Series Level 2 show a willingness to talk about familiar and unfamiliar topics, although turns may still not be very long overall and complex speech may cause fluency to break down. Control of pronunciation features is evident but still inconsistent. Their vocabulary range is sufficient to talk fairly extensively about familiar and less familiar topics, but wrong choices and formation of words is still very common. Their control of basic grammatical structures is quite good overall, and while they still make errors when using subordinate and complex structures, they are less afraid to attempt using these.
Level 3 Students placed in English Conversation Series Level 3 are fairly confident when speaking and are willing to produce long turns, although slow speech, repetition and self-correction may be used to keep going. Pronunciation is fairly well controlled, and they can generally be understood, although some mispronunciation occurs. They have enough vocabulary to talk about familiar and unfamiliar topics in some detail and have basic awareness of such less common lexical features as phrasal verbs and collocation. They can produce both simple and complex sentences and have good control of the main verb tenses, with some basic errors persisting.
Level 4 Students placed in English Conversation Series Level 4 are willing to talk at length about familiar and unfamiliar topics, although fluency may be broken by self-correction, repetition and hesitation. Pronunciation is clear and consistent, but occasional mispronunciation may reduce clarity. They have enough vocabulary to make their meaning clear about a variety of topics, and they have a fairly good knowledge of less common lexical items and expressions. Both simple and complex grammatical structures are used, with mixed success. Some basic errors persist, but these do not predominate.
Level 5 Students placed in English Conversation Series Level 5 can produce long turns with very little effort and without pausing or self-correcting too much. They use rhythm, stress and intonation consistently and effectively, and they have very little trouble being understood. Their vocabulary range is extensive enough to allow them to speak on a wide variety of topics, and they have ability to use idiomatic language and other less common structures accurately. Error-free sentences are common, even when using complex structures, and knowledge of advanced-level grammar structures is often evident.

II. English Writing Series

Course Description
W1 (Sentence Skills) 영어로 글을 쓰기 위해 영어 문장의 구조를 이해하고 스스로 활용할 수 있도록 다양한 스킬을 배웁니다.
W2 (Paragraph Writing) 문단을 일관성 있게 구성하는 능력을 기르는 작문 강좌. W1을 수강했거나 문장 단위의 글쓰기를 무리 없이 할 수 있는 학생들에게 적합합니다.
W3 (Essay Writing) 여러 문단으로 구성된 다양한 유형의 에세이를 논리적으로 쓰는 능력을 기르는 작문 강좌. W2를 수강했거나 문단 단위의 글쓰기를 무리 없이 할 수 있는 학생들에게 적합합니다.
Research Paper Writing 영어 연구 논문의 기본 구조, 언어적 특징, 형식적 차이에 대한 이론 강의와 실제 글쓰기를 병행하는 강좌. 영어 논문 집필을 앞둔 대학원생들에게 적합합니다.

Ⅲ. 시험 대비 강좌 (Test prep courses)

Course Description
TEPS LC TEPS 청해 영역의 유형별 공략법을 익히는 강좌. 전반적인 청해 능력과 실용영어 능력을 향상시키는 데도 도움이 됩니다. 초보자부터 고득점을 목표로 하는 학생들까지 누구나 수강할 수 있습니다.
TEPS RC TEPS 문법, 어휘, 독해 영역의 유형별 공략법을 익히는 강좌. 기본적인 문법 정리와 TEPS 독해 능력 향상을 주된 목표로 합니다.
TEPS 총정리 실전 TEPS 모든 영역의 빈출 핵심사항과 공략법을 정리하고 기출문제로 실전에 대비하는 강좌. TEPS에 응시한 경험이 있는 학생들에게 적합합니다.

IV. English for Specific Purposes

Course Description
Academic Presentation Skills 영어로 학술 발표를 할 때 갖춰야 할 기술을 다각도의 연습과 훈련을 통해 배우는 강좌입니다.
CNN News Listening &
다양한 주제의 최신 뉴스를 활용하여 청해 능력과 발음을 향상시키고 동시에 시사상식과 어휘력도 키울 수 있는 강좌입니다.
미국경제뉴스 U.S.
Finance News
미국경제뉴스를 통해, 경제 용어와 어휘 등을 자연스럽게 익히고, 최신 경제 기사 헤드라인 읽기와 뉴스 청취를 통하여 경제동향을 알 수 있습니다.
원서완독 원서의 내용을 이해하고 영작문에 직접 활용할 수 있도록 영어적 표현을 습득하는데 집중합니다.
English Grammar in Use 작문, 독해, 회화 등 실생활에서 폭넓게 활용할 수 있는 기본 영문법을 용례 중심으로 정리하고 예문과 예제를 통해 연습하는 강좌입니다.