Academic Information
1. Grade
Grades are determined based on the scores of the mid-term and the final examination, class participation and assignments.
- (1)The Breakdown of the Grade per Language Skill
영역별 비율 Listening Speaking Reading Writing Total 20% 30% 20% 30% 100% - (2)Grades
학점 A B C D F FA 90~100 80~89 70~79 60~69 Failure Failure on Attendance
※FA (Failure on Attendance) applies to students whose average grade is 60 points or above and attendance rate is below 80% but 70% or above. Students who receive an F (Failure) must re-register for the same level without fail (please see the Regulations on Failure and Re-registration).
2. Attendance
- (1)Classes begin at the top of the hour, and tardies and absences are strictly monitored. Six tardies and three hours of absences each result in a day of absence.
- (2)Leaving Classes early due to regular religious services will not be counted towards the number of hours of instruction required for completion of programs.
- (3)Students who are absent due to credited classes, seminars, or conferences at SNU must submit proof of attendance in order for the absence not to be counted towards the number of instruction required for completion of programs.
※Students who are absent due to the above reasons are ineligible for a certificate of perfect attendance.
3. Level Completion, Course Completion, and Honors
- (1)Students must attend at least 80% of the total class hours and receive an average score of at least 60% to complete a level.
- (2)Students must pass both two classes(levels) to complete this course.
- (3)Students who complete the 13-Week Korean Language Program are awarded a certificate of level completion for the corresponding level.
- (4)Students who receive an average score of 90% or higher are given the award of excellence.
- (5)Students without a record of tardiness and absences are given the award of perfect attendance.
- (6)Students who are recognized for their contribution to the prestige of the Language Education Institute are presented with a special award.
4. Failure and Re-registration
- (1)Students who receive an average score less than 60% or miss more than 20% of the total class hours cannot pass the course except a report card.
- (2)Students who are suspected of enrolling in a course for purposes other than to study Korean, or those who disrupt the class atmosphere cannot re-register.
5. Credit Transfer
- Credits cannot be transferred from the Language Educational Center to regular, credit-based SNU courses, but they may be transferred to most universities outside of Korea (students will need to contact their respective schools in advance for verification whether credits can be transferred from the KLCP to the corresponding university). A course in one session is equivalent to a 6-credit unit course of a regular academic program. Upon request, the KLCP will issue an official transcript to any organization designated by the student.
6. Others
- (1)The KLEC may cancel the registration of students who misbehave or disturb the class environment or other students at any time.