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About Us

The TEPS Center is committed to its role as Korea’s leading language assessment organization. The TEPS Center is a professional organization dedicated to the research, development, item writing, and scoring of English proficiency tests.

The TEPS Center aims to assess Koreans’ English language abilities with accuracy and fairness. To this end, a research team consisting of experts in language assessment develops and scores all test sets following a standardized system. In addition, through steady research efforts, they develop new tests and gather evidence to support the validity of test score uses.

The TEPS Center conducts research on, develops, writes items of, and scores TEPS (Test of English Proficiency developed by Seoul National University), which was first administered in January 1999 and is now firmly established as Korea’s leading official English proficiency test (National Certification of Private Qualification, Ministry of Education, No. 2018-2), as well as TEPS-Speaking & Writing, which is an English speaking and writing test. Furthermore, for the purpose of more accurate and comprehensive assessment of English proficiency, we developed i-TEPS, which integrates TEPS and TEPS-Speaking & Writing, and have administered it since September 2009. We are also in charge of item writing and scoring of an English proficiency test that is part of the Seoul National University Language Test (SNULT) administered by the Language Proficiency Testing Center. We have recently revised TEPS based on several years of research and have been administering it since May 2018.